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The low-down from AlkaViva's CEO (& Athlete!) Jay Hare

by Tobi Cornwell on April 19, 2020

What we can do right now to boost our immunity & what will the latest innovations in water technology look like?

We recently posed our Top 10 questions to AlkaViva's CEO Jay Hare. Jay is a competition cyclist, an avid alpine snow skier and (we now know) a Rolling Stones fan! He joined the AlkaViva team in 2007 and there isn't anything he doesn't know about keeping the body working at it's most optimal level.
AlkaViva Australia recently posed our Top 10 Health Questions to AlkaViva USA's CEO Jay Hare and we are excited to share his insights with you. Jay is a competition cyclist, an avid alpine snow skier and, as we now know, an avid Rolling Stones fan. He joined the AlkaViva team in 2007 and there isn't anything he doesn't know about keeping the body working at it's most optimal level.
We asked Jay, what are the top five things we should be doing to boost our immunity during this time? 
"There's no magic", says Jay. You must have adequate:
  1. HYDRATION (did you know you if you divide your weight by 13.6kg that is how many litres of water you should be drinking daily)
  4. REST
  5. STRESS MANAGEMENT (eg/ Meditation)
Also, what innovations are next for AlkaViva? Jay reveals there are several new products on the very near horizon. To give you a teaser, there's the launch of a spray product to the range. This certified green product will be available in a reusable/refillable bottle and is used to kill bacteria and viruses from surfaces using AlkaViva's core technology to create the optimal level of hydrochloric acid. Perfect for benches, hands, railings and more.
Another exciting product to look out for will be a drop preparation that can boost our immunity. We are looking forward to watching this space!
See a full list of the questions below;
  1. What is the history of AlkaViva and when did you become the CEO?
  2. Where do you call home and what does your normal day look like?
  3. We heard you are an athlete! What are your tips for using AlkaViva to performing at our peak?
  4. What does your typical diet look like?
  5. What are the top five things we should be doing to boost our immunity during this time?
  6. Which water ionizer do you have at home and what are your most popular uses?
  7. If you had to live on a desert island (or be isolated for a period of time!), what are the three things you couldn’t live without?
  8. In Australia, AlkaViva’s Vesta H2 is our most popular ioniser. What is the most popular ionzier in the US and other countries?
  9. How does AlkaViva keep up to date with the latest innovations and improvements on the ionizers? How often are they modified?
  10. So, what’s next for AlkaViva? 
For all Jay's answers to our questions you can watch the full video above.
There is nothing like drinking healthy, hydrogen-rich, alkalized, ionized water straight from your tap. AlkaViva are the proven worldwide leaders in water filtration performance and alkaline ionizer technology. 
At AlkaViva Australia we have only the best-performing Electric and non-Electric Alkaline Water Ionizers to choose from as well as Whole House Filtration solutions and more. 
We also offer FREE DELIVERY AUSTRALIA-WIDE for all orders over $500.

All our products offer

Cleanest Filtration - Only AlkaViva has the confidence to test their filters using an independent US EPA-Certified lab. See the results here.

Proven Performance - Only AlkaViva has the confidence to test against other brands using a US EPA-Certified lab. See the results here.

Ionization Technology Leader - Cutting-edge technology, performance and durability from the world’s leading water ionizer manufacturer.

Durability - An ionizer’s performance can become compromised over time. Our ionizers and cleaning systems are light years ahead of the competition.

Greener Technology - Our ionizers are more efficient and so use less power than any other brand. Our water products replace the need for disposable plastic bottles.